Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mark Jenkins: Street Installations

I know very little about installation artist, Mark Jenkins. After recently coming across some of his work, I couldn't resist sharing it. All of the photos I've included of his pieces were displayed in one of three locations: Washington, DC, LA, or NYC in 2006 or 2007. Since some of you live in these areas, please let us know if you have seen any of his work or have any additional information about him (as of now his website doesn't include a bio). If you are as intrigued by the photos of his work (he kindly let me "borrow" them from his website -- not exactly-- but hopefully he won't mind the free publicity) check out the other projects he is working on.

Here Comes Hiroko

Last year we asked our friend, Gary Demercurio, for some pictures of the dog he rescued - Hiroko - a very young and very adorable Akita. Hiroko (generous child in Japanese) and Gary lived for a few months together in their North End apartment seeing the sites and selectively marking their own territories. Then Gary took a job in Connecticut at Sikorski, the helicopter manufacturer. Now they have plenty of room to lounge about suburbia. It only took about a few hundred days to get Gary to send us some photos of Hiroko but we've finally got them to share. Hopefully he'll keep us updated with more photos before the next leap year returns.

What Did You Stumble Upon?

Before I begin let me just say I'm sure I'm behind in the times. One of my co-workers sent me a link from a site search website (I'm sure there is a more technical term some one has derived) that I thought was worth sharing. If you haven't taken some time roaming through StumbleUpon give it a whirl. The site is the equivalent of an "Intellectual YouTube." Don't let my typecasting make you run away. It really is worth taking some time to stumble through.

Here is just one site you may find among the millions: (remember, we went to Art School)

Living My Life Faster: Oct. 1, 1998-2006
8 Years of JK's
Daily Photo Project

(yes, it is suppose to open in YouTube)