Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Doc. Hollywood

Many of you already know of the book Jay's Dad, Paul, has been busy writing about the ramming of his father's plane Sacktime during WWII. In May Jay and I started counting down the days until the season premier of the History Channel's series Dogfights. Last Friday was the big day! During the second part of the episode the story of Sacktime was revealed. The animated reenactments, historical facts, and witness accounts were amazing; but the show wouldn't have been the same without one key component -- our very own Doc. Hollywood (aka Paul Parker). As one of the interviewees, Paul helped bring the story to life. We couldn't have been more impressed by everything Paul added to the show and now know one thing for sure -- those extra 5 pounds the camera so graciously gives those it films is an Modern Wives' Tale.

Here is the Synopsis of the premier, titled Kamikaze, provided by The History Channel:

KAMIKAZE: Imperial Japan, desperate to prop up their rapidly collapsing empire, sent poorly trained volunteer pilots in suicide attacks against American naval targets. This wasn't the only time pilots used the plane itself as a weapon. German, Russian, and even US ramming tactics will be explored.

If you are interested in checking out the show, you can find the schedule of upcoming episodes at:

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