Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year to all!

While we are each still pondering a number of different New Year resolutions, it looks as if one of our biggest goals remains the same: Continue Creating New Work. I don't know how often the "typical" person Googles their own name, but I did just this today and was quite surprised when the first Sara Hagan to appear under my search was actually me. Not to be pessimistic but from the looks of things, I have a feeling Sarah Jessica Parker will always win when searching under Sara Parker.
Anyways, my new found identity inspired me to continue working on my photography -- it so happen that my login information on a photography website (Photo.net) made the real me known to all. My little shot at fame has become an inspiring New Year gift. Now I'm actually using the site to showcase my photography(www.photo.net/photos/sarahagan). In the months to come, I plan to pick-up my Calumet 4x5 once again and start shooting. It looks as if this year is going to be a good one.
In hope that you won't leave this post thinking I'm too vain, I must add that I also Googled Jay's name. Unfortunately, Jason Parker didn't really get me anywhere -- Sara Jessica Parker didn't even appear! I was pleased to find Jay once I searched under JB Parker (number 8 in the listing -- not too shabby).

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